Operation Wetback 1954

Operation Wetback was a military style campaign in the border states intended to track down and deport as many people of Mexican heritage as possible. It was also one of the largest campaigns of deportation ever as over 1.5m+ immigrants were deported in a single year. However, the militarization and coordinated deportation efforts between Mexico and the US did not start in 1954 alone. This article by Kelly Lytle Hernandez contains the best analysis on the issues that lead up to General Swing’s takeover of the INS in 1954. It describes the attempts at stopping illegal immigration for the prior ten years and the relationship between the Bracero program and the deportation of immigrants. It also describes many of the cruel tactics deployed by the INS toward immigrants.


This photos was published in LIFE Magazine of Mexicans in a holding cell:

These are general articles that discuss the 1954 Wetback program:

History.com Article on 1954 Deportations with photos

Texas History Article

Thought Co. Article on Deportations

1950’s Immigration Blog with Photos

Vox Article on Deportations


This New Republic article describes the similarities between the 1954 deportation and Trumps ICE approach toward immigration.


The reality is that this deportation drive is poorly documented–so, if anyone finds further information, photos or analysis please send it so I can add it to the list.

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